The CoStar SHARE Center

Supporting Hotel and Real Estate Education

The Mission:

  • Supporting Real Estate, Hotel, and Tourism schools around the world
  • Contributing data for academic research and for use in the classroom
  • Providing access to the CoStar Suite product, the worldโ€™s leading online source of hotel and real estate industry data, for professors and students
  • Offering student certifications focused on industry analytics
  • Also training programs, student competitions, free train-the-trainer sessions, industry updates, and research roundtables


  • Launched in 2011
  • Assisted nearly 1,000 colleges and universities from 85 countries
  • Supported over 6,000 professors
  • Conducted 200 training workshops
  • Certified 40,000 students, professors, and industry professionals
  • Data used in over 400 peer-reviewed academic research articles
  • Partnered with nearly 50 industry organizations and academic associations

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